PBC latest news and updates
, Woden Valley ACT, Australia
Phillip Business Community now has a new home on the internet.
1. Select “Sign up” and follow the instructions (please ensure you use a valid email address) to create an account. This is currently only available from PC or Tablet. Signing up by mobile will be available after the platform redevelopment.
2. Select “Login”. This will take you to your account home page.
3. Get started by creating an address. Select "Address" from just above notifications and add the address of your business premises or central marker for the area your business services.
4. Click the ">>Listings" button next to your address and then add a listing to promote your business services.
5. Click the ">>Category Links" button next to your listing and then add a category.
Contact Tom Adam @ Canberra Martial Arts or email: info@online4services.com if you need help.